I was introduced to frequency infused jewelry by my niece in 2017. I have a 13-year old grandson, who has Sensory Processing Disorder which is a condition where the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes in through the senses.
After personally experiencing pain relief and improved sleep after wearing an infused ring and bracelet, I started researching frequency infusion. Since my grandson has some symptoms similar to those found in Autism, Tourette's, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorder, I contacted Dan Denton, the owner, and asked him if he had ever heard of kids diagnosed with any of these disorders benefiting from frequency infused jewelry. Dan said he has known it to work for many people who have ailments and experience some of the same symptoms but that he has never infused frequencies specifically for a person with these disorders but that he was certainly willing to try and help us!
Dan asked me to describe the symptoms that my grandson experiences which affect his normal functioning and disrupt his everyday life. I told him that the most prevalent were motor and vocal tics, anxiety, difficulty focusing, outbursts of anger and emotional meltdowns, insomnia and once asleep, disruptive sleep quality to include bad dreams. He has such a hard time shutting down his mind that going to bed is upsetting to him because he says "I just can't get my brain to stop thinking so I can go to sleep easy like my brother does!"
Within a few days, Dan got back with me and said that he had talked with his science expert and they had found additional frequencies that had been known to provide relief in people with similar disorders. He said they were going to work on a Titanium bracelet and get it out to me as soon as possible. My grandson was super excited to try the bracelet because it upsets him that he is often unable to control his emotions and does not sleep well which contributes to his emotional state the next day!
My grandson has now been wearing his bracelet for a year. He wears it constantly and will only take it off so we can clean it! Although he still does not fall asleep as fast as his brother, he said that once he does his sleep is amazing! He just told me when he spent the night that he had a great dream, not a weird, bad one like he used to have! He also used to get a new motor or vocal tic every couple of weeks and we have noticed that those have subsided. We feel that his overall symptoms related to his disorder have greatly improved! When people ask how the bracelet works I simply tell them, "We don't really understand it, all we know is that he says he feels better and sleeps better and that is enough scientific evidence for us!" Thank you Dan for caring enough to go the extra mile for my grandson! ....Connie S. Longview, Texas